Wednesday, July 20

Pandora's Box

Have you heard of the story of Pandora's Box?

According to Greek mythology, Zeus, the ruler of the Gods, was mad at humans for possessing the gift of fire. So he crafted the first woman, named her Pandora and gave her a box. Zeus also instructed her not to open the box, no matter the circumstances.

Being the curious beings we are, Pandora ignored the advice. All manners of evil were released from it, like fear, jealousy, anger, etc. It seemed that Pandora has succeeded in dooming the whole of mankind, until the very last thing that floated out of the box. It was a small ray of light, called "hope".

Morale of the story: when darkness prevails, always hang on to hope.

But there's a little twist: Zeus had a name for that ray of light. It was called "false hope". Because to the Greeks, there was no bigger sin than fighting against destiny.

So, what are you hoping for? Real of false?

Make your own choice.

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