Monday, July 25

Barbie Horse

The Island

Got this from ST Life.

The Island, an entertaining flick about clones who don't know they are clones, features an idyllic island, advanced technology, people in white uniforms, obeying instructions, not trained to think independently, lining up eagerly for a lottery and generally kept in the dark about very important things.

I don't know why, I can't put my finger on it, but somehow I feel the story will strike a chord with many.

Wednesday, July 20

Pandora's Box

Have you heard of the story of Pandora's Box?

According to Greek mythology, Zeus, the ruler of the Gods, was mad at humans for possessing the gift of fire. So he crafted the first woman, named her Pandora and gave her a box. Zeus also instructed her not to open the box, no matter the circumstances.

Being the curious beings we are, Pandora ignored the advice. All manners of evil were released from it, like fear, jealousy, anger, etc. It seemed that Pandora has succeeded in dooming the whole of mankind, until the very last thing that floated out of the box. It was a small ray of light, called "hope".

Morale of the story: when darkness prevails, always hang on to hope.

But there's a little twist: Zeus had a name for that ray of light. It was called "false hope". Because to the Greeks, there was no bigger sin than fighting against destiny.

So, what are you hoping for? Real of false?

Make your own choice.

Monday, July 18

Do not run if you are sick

Too many incidents have been reported on healthy people dying from sudden heart seizures. Worse if you are sick, or just recovering. I still remember a professional footballer collapsing on the soccer field in the midst of a match. Even people in their physical prime do not escape this, so please don't fool around.

Take care, and go for medical check-up to see whether the veins around your heart are clogged up or not. You cannot tell your cholestrol levels from your body shape alone.

Sunday, July 17

The Beng Blogs

This you gotta see. Warning, vulgarities ahead

They whack the NKF so hard is not for any charity reason, is only because the NKF stupid and dare to sue them first what. They toolan the NKF boss so they call their newspapers and reporters and lawyer all hoot him together, like those gang fight grab parang and run after one fella, except the newspaper company gang is not use parang, but is use words.

Wednesday, July 13

NKF mantra

Durai stunts

Had a chat with my friend about the CEO of NKF.

Here's a way to save his scalp. Make a public announcement on ST(!) to donate a huge part of his money to NKF (50% of $1.8 million). Apologize to the 2 he sued previously. Commit himself to earning the same wages that normal people do, like $1,500 a month. To top it off, personally perform the stunts on his charity shows to placate the public.

If you want to see Durai fed to the lions, call 1900 9111 588 now! You can make the difference to the lives of thousands of kidney patients!

If TT Durai can't part with his money, he can always donate his kidney.

Tuesday, July 12

TT Durai

Please remember this name.

He is the CEO of NKF. As you might know, NKF exists to subsidize the medical costs of patients with kidney problems.

In an on-going defamation suit, it was announced that Mr Durai was paid $25,000 a month. Last year, he received a 12 month bonus, which brings his annual income to $600,000 (give and take a few ten-thousands). Over the course of the last 3 years, he has made $1.8 million.

All by persuading normal folks to donate to NKF. Normal folks who earn less than 10% of his monthly salary.

As part of his job perks, Mr Durai also flies first-class. (NKF CEO fly around for what? International donation drive?) And he also has a gold-plated tap installed in his private washroom, which costs a measly $990, according to his personal standards.

I think the tap in the dialysis centre below my flat costs around $30 (only guessing).

A little fact you might want to know: NKF earns its revenue(?) from public donations only. No government subsidies of any sort. In other words my brothers, we paid for it.

And I thought all the money was going to the kidney disease sufferers.

Mr Durai, I'm really curious. How much you donate to NKF itself?

Sunday, July 10

The Kohs

Have not been blogging for a while... Spent the evenings of the past week watching Wu Jiajing, a 16-year old Taiwanese winning the 2005 World Pool Championship. The youngest champion ever.

Last week, my Philippino colleague, Mike was chatting with me about names. His name was Mike de La Cuesta (sorry if I spelled wrongly), translated from Spanish, means Mike of the Hill. Following this logic, you could say I am part of the Koh family. Hmm... ?

I also happened to bump into an old classmate of mine. She was surprised to see me and after some small talk, she asked: So, how is Edmund? I said he's fine, happy in his job and a smooth love life.

It seems always when I meet old friends, the question most often asked is about Edmund. (It's not that I'm jealous. I've heard Edmund mention that friends who bump into him also ask the same thing about me.)

The thing that irked me is this. Outside the association of Edmund+me, there is nothing. She doesn't know me, doesn't know what I do, doesn't know what I'm proud of and what I dislike. Me, on my own, as a solitary figure, she has absolutely no idea. I have not walked out of the shadow of Edmund+me. If you see me, you must see Edmund.

And I wondered further. What can I tell her about me? What different things set me apart from that shadow of Edmund+me? Is it my job? My achievements? My personality? If I am Wu Jiajing, I could hold my head high to proclaim myself as the pool champion of the world. But I'm not. I am from the Koh family, and sadly, I know nothing about the history of the Kohs.

You lose your roots, you lose your identity.