Monday, November 13


Everybody fights. Everybody. The trick is to find your own battlefield. Then you will realise the fight has been going on for a long time. And you will find your role in the war. Maybe you are a general. Maybe a foot soldier. Maybe a trail-blazer. Whatever your role is, you will feel, deep inside, the fight is yours. And you are found.

Sunday, November 12

I am a deminer

So, what do you do?

Bankers, IT programmers or maybe retailers. Regardless, we are just trying to make some money to survive this madcrap society. But it warms my heart to read about someone who makes his living to benefit the rest of his kind.

In rural Cambodia, there is a man called Aki Ra who removes landmines hidden beneath the ground. Did he pick this job? Or did this job pick him? Regardless.